Collagen: Myths & Misconceptions (a.k.a. my new book!)

Collagen Book Mock-Up Small

The most abundant protein in the human body, collagen makes up about 25-35% of the body’s total protein content and is responsible for keeping us together – literally!

When we think of collagen, most of us are familiar with its role for beauty – in providing us with healthy, beautiful-looking skin. But it doesn't stop there: collagen fibers are major building blocks in bone, joints (tendons and ligaments), and blood vessels (arteries and veins). In addition, the quantity and quality of collagen in the skin help determine the health and beauty of hair and nails.

Impressive isn’t it? My new book Collagen: Myths and Misconceptions explains how you can preserve and generate your own collagen so that your body stays youthful inside and out!

Look for my new book in health food stores across Canada, and soon to be in the USA!