Tips for Stress-Free Summer Travel

vacation_tips_headerWhat a beautiful summer we have been spoiled with so far! The month of August for many of us means annual camping trips, or taking advantage of some time off and flying overseas.

I’m off to Phoenix for a few days for their annual Sproutsfest, and I always stock up on healthy snacks and boost my immune system before jumping on a plane.

The following tips will help you avoid any nasty stomach problems and keep you healthy and stress-free while on vacation. Happy, healthy trails!


Probiotics for Healthy Digestion

There’s nothing like seeing a delicious variety of food and not being able to eat it because of a "stomach bug" or traveller’s diarrhea. Taking probiotics such as acidophilus and bifidobacteria before, during and after your trip can help build the good flora in your digestive system to help support possible encounters of foreign “bad” strains of bacteria. I usually recommend starting at least 4-6 weeks before leaving with a minimum of 10 billion CFUs per capsule.


Drink Water and Stay Hydrated!

 Some of us use the plane ride or road trip as a good excuse to drink too much coffee or sugary drinks like juice and sodas. Excess sugar and caffeine can be dehydrating and weaken your immune system. It’s important to drink plenty of water to beat the effects of high summer temperatures and also keep you hydrated on those long travelling days.


Boost Immunity!

Keeping your body healthy before travelling can keep you from getting sick during your travels. Some of my favorite immune boosters include: Vitamin C, Zinc, Astragalus, CoQ10, Vitamin D, Omega 3s, plant sterols and Elderberry. It's also wise to keep sweets at a minimum, increase your intake of greens and other colorful veggies, and manage your stress levels!


Natural First Aid Kit

In addition to the basic medical components, a good mini travel kit of essential homeopathic and other herbal remedies always come in handy when travelling. From Arnica for bumps and bruises, Arsenicum album for traveler’s diarrhea, Apis for bug bites and Cantharis or Urtica Urens for sunburns, there’s always a natural remedy to help you manage the various health concerns encountered when travelling.

Peppermint essential oil can also be helpful to keep you refreshed and, when rubbed on the belly or your temples, can help against tummy aches, headaches, and even nausea.

Magnesium citrate can be helpful for muscle aches, insomnia or constipation.

Calendula cream and Aloe Vera gel can soothe and repair all types of minor burns and will prevent scarring.

Ginger capsules or tea can help with nausea or a minor upset stomach.


Have a happy and safe end-of-summer!