Small Goals to Better Health: 2023 New Years Resolution Ideas

It’s easy to dream big, but usually living out our biggest dream reality results from all the little choices we made to get there. 

This coming New Year, I want to focus on small steps we can take towards better health.

Sometimes known as the ‘Butterfly Effect’, small choices over time really do add up. 

If you are serious about your New Year's goals for better health, I encourage you to take stock of the 6 key lifestyle areas mentioned below. 

Where can you add in small goals in the areas you feel are deficient or that are needing more care and attention? These small steps will definitely lead to big, long term strides in 2023.


One of the most important parts of our wellbeing is having daily movement practice. Getting regular exercise is good for our heart, blood flow, digestion, mental health, energy levels, and promotes better sleep… the list goes on and on.

Small Goal to try: Join a class, take a walk, go for a run, add a stretching practice to your day… pick a physical activity that suits you & your body, and commit to it for at least 4-6 weeks. After a prolonged length of commitment and time, the body will get used to this new activity, and you will reap the rewards of better health.


A well-balanced diet is important in supporting our physical activity. Having proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals will fuel our success in energy, focus, mood, strength and ability to cope with the daily experience of life as it comes our way.

Small Goal to try: Eating within 60 minutes upon waking leads to better health for our hormones, heart, blood sugar, energy, and so much more. Morning is the best time to eat as the body is primed and ready to receive nutrients and can lead to better eating habits overall. If you have a hard time having a big meal upon waking, try having something small and increase slowly over time.


Everyone is different, and there are infinite ways of experiencing our spiritual nature, yet we all have a mind to care for. Seeking ways to get beyond the business of the mind is arguably a good habit for everyone who seeks a life of good health. When the mind is clear, the clearer our perception, emotions and the more we can be present for what truly matters to us.

Small Goal to try: A daily meditation practice. Whether it's engaging in a silent meditation for 5 minutes every morning, or listening to a guided meditation on your favorite app, this practice goes a long way with calming the mind. Over time, this once a day practice may lead to longer sits or spontaneous mid-day and evening meditations as you might begin to notice the benefits of taking small moments to refresh your mental landscape.


I have mentioned sedentary lifestyles before in relation to physical health, but it is also unhealthy for us to be stagnant mentally. When we learn new things, it keeps our brain healthy and also positively impacts aging. 

Small Goal to try: Pick a subject that interests you, and learn something new every day. Watch a documentary, read a blog post, pick up a book and see what new information you can gather. It is helpful to do this in times of the day where you feel bright and clear so that your brain can retain what it learns.


The daily grind can be cortisol-inducing for our brains and stress can really take a toll on health. When we rest, our nervous systems thank us. A healthy nervous system means balanced emotions, calm state of mind, better sleep and better health overall.

Small Goal to try: Take rest seriously. Do one restful activity a day to reset and calm down your nervous system. Take a bath, do breathwork, drink a calming cup of tea. When you prioritize rest, you signal to your mind that it's safe to slow down and the body reaps the benefits. 


Strong relationships mean strong health. Good quality relationships, lowers anxiety and depression, improving self-esteem and quality of life.

Small Goal to try: Make a point to call or visit with a friend every week. When we engage in connection with those who matter most, it opens up new doors in our lives. Friends can help hold us accountable to our goals, hear us in our successes and our troubles and add meaning to our life by all the new experiences that can be shared together.

I hope this was beneficial and that if anything, you have more clarity on which lifestyle area you want to strengthen in 2023. Good luck!