Oral Health Month: Nutritional Support for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Smile! How do you take care of your teeth? Most people will answer that with brushing, flossing and trips to the dentist, but did you know that there are actually supplements that you can take to help further support your teeth and gums? 

These nutrients are not only good for your pearly whites, but also help support the rest of your body.

As April is Oral Health Month, what better time to talk about keeping healthy smiles.



Calcium is an important element in building strong teeth and bones, and it’s important to have adequate levels as your body will actually take calcium from your teeth and bones if it is in short supply in your diet, which weakens them over time. Many dairy milks are fortified with calcium, but if you are a non-dairy drinker, it’s important to either supplement, or consume lots of leafy greens, canned fish, almonds, cauliflower, or cabbage for adequate dietary calcium. 



Phosphorus acts as an important support for calcium in maintaining strong teeth and bones, and plays a vital role in tooth and gum health. Good sources of phosphorus include pasture raised meat- especially liver, eggs, dairy, beans, and nuts and seeds.


Vitamin K2- 


K2 is essential for healthy teeth, bones, and gums. This fat soluble vitamin helps to direct calcium to the right places (such as teeth and bones). K2 is found in grass fed and pasture raised meats, poultry, grass fed dairy (especially butter), fatty fish, pastured eggs, and Natto, a fermented soy product.


Vitamin D- 

With insufficient Vitamin D levels, your body is actually not able to properly absorb calcium or phosphorus. Get out into the sunshine with exposed skin, being mindful of peak times and overexposure. Many Canadians do not get adequate levels, especially in the winter, so a supplement is recommended for most adults and children.


Coenzyme Q10- 

CoQ10 helps reduce inflammation and can help with bleeding gums as a result of gingivitis. Coenzyme Q10 can sometimes be difficult to get adequate amounts from food so supplementing is often suggested.



Zinc is an important trace mineral in your saliva that helps fight against the growth of bacteria and plaque, which may lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Oysters are an excellent source of Zinc, as well as nuts,  poultry, and whole grains.


Vitamin C- 

As proven by the early sailors, Vitamin C is essential for gum health. It helps maintain connective tissue and collagen production and helps maintain a healthy immune system to prevent gum disease. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, broccoli, red peppers, and brussels sprouts are all high in Vitamin C. 



Probiotics aren’t just for your gut. They also help fight off gum disease and tooth decay by increasing the amount of good bacteria in your system. Yogurt, Kombucha, Sauerkraut and Kimchi are all good probiotics.


B- Vitamins- 

If you find yourself getting canker sores or a sore mouth or tongue, it could be a sign of Vitamin B deficiency - especially B12. Niacin and Riboflavin are also particularly beneficial for oral health. 


Vitamin A- 

You knew it was good for your eyes, but did you also know it’s good for your mouth? Vitamin A helps with mucus production, and so helps keep saliva flowing in your mouth. This in turn reduces plaque and bad bacteria which lead to cavities and gum disease. Vitamin A is found in fatty fish, eggs, cheese, and milk.


Here’s to happy, healthy smiles from the inside out!