Top Three Simple Changes to Radically Upgrade Your Health Today

You want to get healthy. You want to live your best life. You are overwhelmed with all of the information floating around on the internet about fancy bio hacks, supplements, diets, meal plans, workout routines, blah blah blah. You find yourself paralyzed with indecision and just wish someone would tell you what to do and make it easy because you just don’t have the time or energy to spend hours and hours researching and planning. Never fear, Dr. Marita is here. 

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Non Toxic Cleaning Recommendations to Lighten Toxic Load

One of the biggest strains on our health in today’s world is the extreme toxic load our bodies carry. From pesticides in food, to chemicals in personal care and cleaning products, to pollution, to microplastics. It seems everywhere we turn there is something our body has to fight against to maintain good health. In addition to taking steps to add healthy habits, foods, and supplements into our life, it’s also important to consider what we can avoid. I’ve put together this guide for non toxic cleaning recommendations to help lighten the toxic load in your home and create a cleaner, purer environment for you and your family. Not to mention, most of these recommendations are also super cost effective!

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Cellular Hydration: A Deeper Look at Staying Hydrated

 How good are you at staying hydrated? For a lot of people, getting enough water can be a struggle. Maybe you feel like you're drinking and drinking water and all it's gotten you is a lot of extra trips to the bathroom.  True deep hydration goes beyond just chugging water throughout the day. There are key aspects that allow your cells to truly absorb the hydration that you are providing, and we are going to cover them today.

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Wellness, NutritionSerena Gee
Recipe Roundup: Ready in 30 Minutes Addition

 I don’t know about you, but cooking after a day of working when you’re tired, hungry, and ready to eat NOW is pretty much the bane of modern existence. It’s easy to just reach for what’s convenient, order take out or succumb to ‘girl dinner’ (if you know you know) rather than preparing something well rounded and nourishing to fuel your body.  I’m a big advocate for laying the foundations for good health by consistently well nourishing, hydrating, sleeping well and moving. But the whole cooking aspect is a challenge! It’s not always feasible or desirable to meal prep for the whole week at the weekend (where are my leftover haters at?) so I’ve decided to round up 10 ‘ready in 30 minutes’ weeknight recipes. This is enough for two whole work-weeks!

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Magnesium Miracle: Your Guide to this Magical Mineral

Magnesium. You may have heard it mentioned in regards to sleep, relaxation, or maybe chocolate, but did you know that it is one of the most crucial minerals your body needs to perform over 300 functions? Moreover, did you know that more than a third of Canadians are actually not consuming the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of magnesium, let alone the optimal amounts for their bodies to truly thrive?  If we take a look at common health issues that plague many of us and compare them to the list of magnesium deficiency symptoms the picture is clear. It’s time to optimize our magnesium intake and stop feeling ‘bleh.’  This miracle mineral could just be the secret to feeling alive, energized, and ready to tackle the challenges of life.

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Family-Friendly Cooking: Spring Edition

It can be hard to find things to keep kids entertained over Spring Break. Add that on top of the daily responsibilities of life, and many parents can be wondering whether this is really a break at all. One of the faults of our modern approach to child rearing is we often separate ‘kid activities’ from the rest of life, when generations past found enrichment, bonding, development of essential life skills, and yes– fun, in involving kids within the responsibilities of the household. So gather your little chefs and get ready for a fun-filled cooking adventure this spring break! I’ve rounded up six family friendly recipes to cook with your mini-me’s for nutritious fun.

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Recipes, NutritionSerena Gee
Spring Cleaning Beyond the Basics: Decluttering Your Mind and Space

Ever wonder why it’s so hard to get motivated with New Years resolutions in January, and why come spring you feel that gust of motivation to deep clean your whole house, try a bunch of new activities, or start crushing your goals?  Well, that might have something to do with the calendar not aligning with nature in terms of when the ‘new year’ begins. So– in honour of the true ‘New Year’ let’s talk Spring cleaning and not just the house. It’s time to overhaul your life to align with the fresh energies of this cycle.

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From the Ground Up: Indoor Gardening for Year-Round Health on Vancouver Island

While Vancouver Island is still under the shadow of winter, the allure of pending spring can leave us itching to get out and work our green thumbs. However, winter gardening takes on a new dimension when brought indoors. Indoor gardening isn't just a remedy for winter blues; it's a therapeutic journey that nurtures your well-being, ensuring a continuous harvest of nutrient-rich, healing delights while also laying the foundation for your summer and fall bounty.

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Mindful Munching: The Art of Snacking with Intention

 With on-the-go lifestyles and hectic schedules, the concept of mindful munching often takes a backseat. However, the art of snacking with intention can be a transformative practice, aligning your nutritional choices with health goals and fostering mindful eating habits. Let’s explore the importance of mindful snacking, providing strategies and ideas for nutrient-dense snacks that not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute to your overall well-being.

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Love Begins in the Gut: A Guide to Gut-Healthy Foods and Habits

This February, as you celebrate matters of the heart, remember that love might just have its origins in the gut. By prioritizing gut health through mindful dietary choices, supplements, and lifestyle practices, you not only nurture your digestive system but also contribute to the intricate dance of love and attraction within your body. So, indulge in gut-friendly foods, embrace a love-infused lifestyle, and let your gut be the starting point of a happy and healthy connection.

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Gut HealthSerena Gee
Fit and Fast: Incorporating Quick Workouts into Your Busy Schedule

Staying active in the winter season can be quite challenging, especially as it seems like the grind never seems to slow.Shorter days and colder temperatures can dampen motivation, leading to a decrease in physical activity. However, it's essential to combat the winter blues by incorporating quick and invigorating workouts that not only keep your body moving but also boost your mood and energy levels. Let’s explore effective and efficient workout options that cater to the demands of a hectic lifestyle.

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ExerciseSerena Gee
Winter Herbal Allies: Nature's Wellness Remedies

As winter blankets the world in darkness, our bodies often require a bit of extra care and support. Nature, in its wisdom, provides us with a plethora of medicinal herbs that can serve as potent allies in navigating the challenges of the colder months. From boosting immunity to soothing winter ailments, here's a guide to incorporating these herbal companions into your daily routine.

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Step into the Enchanting World of Medicinal Mushrooms: A Culinary Adventure

Have you ever wondered what magic lies within the world of medicinal mushrooms? These hidden healers not only sprinkle a myriad of health benefits but also add an extraordinary flavor symphony to your culinary escapades. Join me on this whimsical journey as we dive into the uses of these extraordinary fungi, discovering delightful ways to savor their goodness and infuse our lives with a touch of nature's enchantment.

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Calming the Flames: Recipes to Soothe Inflammation and Nourish Your Body

Inflammation, the body's natural response to injury and infection, is a double-edged sword. While it plays a crucial role in the healing process, chronic inflammation can lead to a variety of health concerns, from joint pain to more serious conditions like heart disease, cancer, and depression and anxiety. Let's explore how inflammation affects health and dive into a collection of 10 delicious recipes rich in anti-inflammatory goodness.

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Hydration Hacks: Creative Ways to Stay Refreshed in Winter

As winter wraps its chilly tendrils around us, the inclination to prioritize hydration often takes a backseat. The challenge of sipping icy water when it's cold outside can be daunting and you may notice yourself getting dehydrated more often as a result. But fret not! I've gathered some winter hydration hacks to ensure you stay refreshed and revitalized even when the world outside is cold and blustery.

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Holistic Holiday Hangover Remedies: Bouncing Back After the Festive Frenzy

As the confetti settles and the calendar flips, you might be waking up feeling more like you've survived a dance-off than a peaceful night's sleep. Fear not! In this guide, we're here to rescue you from the post-holiday hangover – whether it's the result of overindulgence, stress, a lack of movement, or a tad too much festive cheer. Let's toss out the party hats, shake off the glitter, and embrace these natural remedies to kickstart your self-care and renewal journey!

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Holiday WellnessSerena Gee
Nourishing Body and Soul: A Naturopathic Doctor's Guide to Surviving the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, some of you may be dreading the holiday stress! Let’s  explore how to make the most of this festive time without compromising your well-being. In this guide, we'll chat about mindful eating, stress-busting strategies, and self-care tips that will leave you feeling merry and bright. Let the jingle bells ring in health and happiness!

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Holiday WellnessSerena Gee
5 DIY Edible Gifts for a Healthier Christmas

Hey there, holiday elves! If you're on a mission to sleigh the gift-giving game this Christmas,I've got just the thing for you – DIY edible gifts! Forget the store-bought stuff; let's dive into a world of homemade deliciousness. Today we're serving up five kitchen creations that are not only tasty but also made with wholesome, feel-good ingredients. Let's turn your kitchen into a workshop of holiday cheer!

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Holiday WellnessSerena Gee
The Power of the Root: Root Vegetable Recipe Roundup

Root vegetables, often overlooked heroes in the world of nutrition, pack a powerful punch of flavor, nutrients, and versatility. From carrots to sweet potatoes, these humble underground wonders are not only delicious but also offer an array of health benefits. Today we'll explore the nutritional goodness of five root vegetables and as well as a rootin’ tootin’ selection of recipes that celebrate the power of the root.

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RecipesSerena Gee