13 Strategies for Optimal Brain Function

As we head back to school, we may be thinking of how to best support our kids, or ourselves, in heading back into an environment of learning. 

How can we set ours and/or our kids brains up for success? 

I’d like to share with you some tips to boost brain function naturally. 

1. Lower Inflammation – Watch the overconsumption of inflammatory foods such as dairy, gluten, alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, eggs, and red meat.  A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts/seeds, fish, free-range chicken/turkey, and good fats (fish, flax, hemp, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil and nuts and seeds) help to keep inflammation down and thus support a healthy brain.  Also, be aware of your environment – environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and other compounds can have a profound effect on the body’s nervous system and brain.

2. Optimize Gut Flora – Keeping the digestive system supported with adequate good bacteria is important for brain function and overall health.

3. Get Moving– New studies are providing even more evidence that regular exercise not only prevents problems with memory that come with aging but can actually help turn back the clock on brain aging It also helps to increase the ability to focus and improves mental clarity. 

4. Get Plenty of Sleep- Getting an appropriate amount of sleep helps to aid focus, memory, and reasoning skills. Find out about how to set a solid sleep foundation here.

5. Stress Management – Supporting the adrenal glands – your “stress glands” is essential for keeping systemic and brain inflammation down as well as preventing other chronic diseases. Your brain plain doesn’t work as well when you’re stressed, so take the time to unwind in between school days and study sessions. 

6. Limit Electronic Use- The instant and faced-paced world of TV, cell phones, and other devices actually erode our ability to focus. Limit screen time wherever possible… Might I suggest a good old fashioned paperback?

7. BacopaBacopa Monnieri is an herb that has been used historically to strengthen the immune response and increase the body’s ability to cope with physical and mental stress.  It provides antioxidant protection for memory centers and reduces the effects of stress on the brain.

8. Curcumin – Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory and can prevent and help to treat the inflammatory cause of cognitive decline.  It also has antioxidant properties and has the ability to enter the brain, bind, and destroy any potential toxins.

9. PQQ – Pyrroloquinoline quinone is a vitamin-like compound found in plant foods that is showing a wide range of benefits.  PQQ is an extremely powerful antioxidant that provides defense against mitochondrial decay as well as the growth of new mitochondria.  Mitochondria are our body’s little energy cells and dysfunction within the mitochondria is a key biomarker of aging and linked especially to memory and brain health.

10. Vitamin D – Lower levels of Vitamin D are associated with an increase in dementia and cognitive dysfunction. Get that sunshine while you can, and then talk to your healthcare provider about adding a supplement. 

11. Phosphatidylserine (PS) – PS is necessary for effective neurotransmission. It is helpful in the treatment of stress and cognitive and mental impairments such as dementia and depression.

12. Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 promotes normal memory, concentration, and verbal function.  As we age, it is more difficult to absorb vitamin B12 from our diet.  

13. Omega 3’s - Omega 3’s, which are found in fish oil, play an important role in brain function, especially in building cell membranes in the brain.  They also have anti-inflammatory benefits that promote healthier brain cells.

Here’s to big beautiful brains!

Brain HealthSerena Gee