Dr. Marita’s Top 6 Supplements for Surviving the Holidays

Ahh the holidays… while we may love or hate this time of year, it never is all sugarplums and cozy socks like we wished it would be. 

Stresses like travel, your inlaws, and a million to do’s to make the magic happen can really take a toll, and we can find ourselves starting the new year exhausted, depleted, and coming down off of a big sugar crash. 

Never fear, Dr. Marita is here. I’ve hand picked my top 6 supplements for surviving the holiday season. As always, consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements. 

1. Magnesium

Sometimes called the ‘miracle mineral’ magnesium plays a key role in many of our bodies functions. The focus here, is magnesium as a stress regulation ally. It helps to soothe frazzled nerves, promote good sleep, and relax tense muscles. Look for a magnesium bisglycinate form to avoid any digestive upset caused by other forms of magnesium and aim for about 200- 400 mg per day. 

2. Vitamin C with Zinc

Okay you got me, this is technically two supplements, but they work together for maximum immune support to help get you through the holidays without catching Aunt Jessie’s cold. 500-1,000 mg of vitamin C and 10-15 mg of zinc daily is a solid combo for immunity support.

3. Vitamin D

Nothing kills the mood like the winter blues! Most Canadians benefit from a vitamin D supplement through the winter months due to the decreased sunlight. You’ll also notice benefits in energy levels and immune function. Most adults benefit from arount 600-1000 IU of vitamin D daily.

4. B- Complex 

These little powerhouses are essential for energy production, mood regulation, and combating holiday fatigue. The B vitamins are also great for supporting your adrenal glands, which can take a hit when you're stressed. Take your B-complex in the morning to boost your energy and avoid sleep disruptions. 

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen that acts as a big stress support, helping to regulate stress hormones as well as reducing fatigue. It also supports the brain’s neural pathways for Gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter responsible for sustaining calmness.Traditionally, Ashwagandha is taken as a powder with warm milk and honey, but it can also be taken in capsule form or in a tea.

6. Probiotics 

Your gut is going to need some love over the season of indulgence. A surplus of sugar can lead to imbalances within the gut flora as sugar feeds yeast within the gut. Keeping up with a high quality probiotic over the holidays will help maintain healthy gut flora and keep your digestion running smoothly. Make sure to still incorporate plenty of fiber rich foods, and lots of water to keep things regular. 

While none of these are a replacement for working to maintain good nutrition, hydration, sleep, and exercise over the holidays– they will help you as you navigate through the shifts in routine, and hopefully be able to kick back and enjoy the season while emerging feeling good on the other side. 

Happy Holidays!