About me
Hi! I’m Dr. Marita.
I’m a naturopathic doctor with a passion for preventative healthcare and health education.
I firmly believe, down to my core, that the path to amazing health is through empowerment. I aim to arm as many people as I can with the information, education, and confidence they need to take excellent care of their well-being.
I also believe in holistic healthcare: I believe in taking the whole individual into account when looking at their ailments, and getting to the heart of every health problem.
I live on stunning beautiful Vancouver Island, in a little city with a big personality called Victoria. In addition to the private practice I hold there, I share blog posts, send out newsletters, give lectures, and even write books about topics relevant to my community’s health needs.
This site is intended as a resource for anyone working through the ailments we face in the modern world. Everything you’ll find here is meant to educate and inspire you on your journey to your best health.
I hope you find it useful.
In Health and Happiness,
Dr. Marita