Plant-Based Protein Power – High-protein Vegan Dishes for Energy and Satisfaction

Protein is not only an essential building block for our bodies, creating muscle, and helping us build new cells, but its also an important part of maintaining stable blood sugar, keeping energy levels stable, and keeping us feeling full and satisfied. Adequate protein can also be a challenge for those eating vegan and plant based diets! Which is why I’ve gathered up some high protein vegan dishes to help bridge the gap and make meal planning easier!

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Recipes, NutritionSerena Gee
World Oral Health Day: Naturopathic Tips for Great Oral Hygiene

Every year on March 20th, we celebrate World Oral Health Day, as a reminder that our mouths are the gateway to overall wellness. Oral health is about more than just a bright white smile—it reflects and influences our entire body’s health, including your digestion, heart health, and more. In addition to the basics your dentist recommends, brushing twice a day, flossing, and your regular cleanings– what else can we do to maintain good oral health? You might be surprised that there’s a lot more that affects the health of your mouth than you think!

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12 Rituals to Replace Your Morning Coffee

For many of my patients who are looking to cut down on caffeine, what they actually have found is they like the ritual aspect of their morning cup a whole lot more than the actual caffeine rush. To be able to brew, sit and sip is a wonderful thing. If your morning coffee ritual feels more like a caffeine crutch than a joyful jolt, it might be time to shake things up. Whether you're cutting back on caffeine or just want to explore new ways to energize your day, these alternative morning rituals will help you rise and shine—no coffee required.

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Iron Deficiency: Natural Ways to Boost Your Iron Levels

Do you feel sluggish all the time? Like no matter how much sleep you get, you just cant seem to feel that spark of vitality like you once did? You might want to get your iron checked! Iron deficiency is a lot more common than you might think, especially among women. The good news is that most people can boost their iron levels naturally with dietary changes. Let’s take a look at some tips to boost your iron naturally.

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Health Inspirations to Take from European Culture

My travels in the last couple of years have taken me to Europe a few times now… I can’t seem to get enough! I find I always feel so good when I’m over there. Unlike many other vacations where I can easily come home feeling like I’m off track with my health foundations, I find the culture of many European cultures is incredibly supportive to good health! It’s no surprise when we look at health data, with lower rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even greater reported happiness than in North America.

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Self-Love Rituals: Practices for Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Single? Or just over all the Hallmark Hullabaloo? Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to just be about romantic dinners and grand gestures for someone else. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to shower yourself with love and care. Whether you’re flying solo or part of a couple, taking the time to focus on your emotional and physical well-being can leave you feeling refreshed, empowered, and deeply connected to yourself. After all, self-love is the foundation for every other kind of love. 

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A Valentine’s Day Menu: Heart Healthy Recipes to Celebrate Love and Passion

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your special person, or even just yourself, that how much you love them through the universal love language of food. But do you know what shows your love and care even more? If you whip up a menu that’s not only delicious but also heart-healthy and libido-boosting. After all, every bite we take is an investment in our wellbeing and our chance to love each other another day.

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Heart Health, RecipesSerena Gee
Simple Winter Recipes Packed with Nutrients to Warm You Up

There’s something about the damp west coast air that can really chill you to your bones in the Winter months. I find even when i’m all bundled up, I still crave that inner warmth that can only come from a cozy warming meal, drink, or snack. Even better when it’s a nutrient dense one! I’ve rounded up 10 warming and nutritious recipes to try out this New Year.

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RecipesSerena Gee
Keep Your Kidneys Healthy This Winter

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), winter is considered the season of the kidneys. It's believed that the cold weather places extra strain on this vital organ system, which governs energy reserves, fluid balance, and overall vitality. Winter is seen as a time to conserve energy and nurture the kidneys for long-term health. Let’s have a look and see some of the reasons our kidney’s might need some extra love in the winter months as well as look at tips for keeping kidneys healthy and happy!

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Whole Food Snack Ideas for School or Work

You hear me talk a lot about the importance of eating whole foods, and foods with minimal ingredients for good health. This is something that might seem easy for cooking meals, but pose challenges when trying to think of snack ideas, especially while on the go. I wanted to put together a list of snack ideas using whole foods to sustain your and your family’s healthy eating through the day at work or school.

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NutritionSerena Gee
What to Do When You Can’t Go: Natural Constipation Prevention and Relief

And with that, the holidays are over. Hopefully you aren’t nursing too many after effects from over indulging. Even if you were able to cultivate balance, I know how good it can feel to get back into your regular swing of things after the endless parade of treats, holiday hubbub, and the strains of travel or hosting. It’s not uncommon to have some difficulties with going to the bathroom when you’re out of your routine. Many people experience constipation when travelling, for example and nothing kills your mood faster than the discomfort being a bit backed up can cause.

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New Year's Resolutions Everyone Should Consider

With the new year rolling in, the holidays ending, our thoughts begin to turn to our resolutions and what goals we would like to set for ourselves for our ‘new start’ It's become a bit of a running joke that many of our New Year’s resolutions peter out by about March, lost in the dust of unrealistic expectations, being too hard on ourselves, or a lack of motivation.If you’re sick of the hubbub and the let down and want to create a real and lasting change in your health in 2025– I’ve got a few New Year’s resolution ideas for you!

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Holiday WellnessSerena Gee
A Gluten Free Christmas: Recipe Roundup

The holidays can be hard for those who are celiac, or simply gluten free. You might feel like you have to miss out on all of the ‘good stuff’ that everyone else gets to enjoy, but that doesn’t have to be true!! I’ve scoured around for some great gluten free Christmas treat ideas to satisfy all of your holiday desires. If you have family members who are gluten free, consider making a couple of these options for your holiday festivities.

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Gluten free, RecipesSerena Gee
Dr. Marita’s Top 6 Supplements for Surviving the Holidays

Ahh the holidays… while we may love or hate this time of year, it never is all sugarplums and cozy socks like we wished it would be. Stresses like travel, your inlaws, and a million to do’s to make the magic happen can really take a toll, and we can find ourselves starting the new year exhausted, depleted, and coming down off of a big sugar crash. Never fear, Dr. Marita is here. I’ve hand picked my top 6 supplements for surviving the holiday season.

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Why A Lot of What You Think You Know About Weight Loss is Actually Wrong

Our collective relationship with our bodies is in an era of healing. We are remembering that health is not something that is determined by our waist size exclusively, we are focusing on nourishment, and prioritizing our mental health and our happiness.  But I see all the time in my practice how the myths of how to lose weight linger amongst my patients. In fact, a lot of what we’ve been taught about weight loss is actually ineffective for long term, sustainable weight loss and weight management, and can even lead to weight gain due to hormonal disruption.

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Weight LossSerena Gee
Preparing for Pregnancy: What Your Body Needs BEFORE You Conceive

Everyone’s conception journey looks different. Some women conceive unexpectedly, some just have a loose goal of having a baby and stop trying not to, others find themselves on a journey of diligently tracking their ovulations and trying for many cycles, and others still need to seek extra support with fertility doctors to make their dreams of motherhood a reality. No matter what your fertility and conception journey looks like, or even if you just know that someday you would like to have a baby, there are some steps you can take to help prepare your body for conception.

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Serena Gee
Starchy Vegetables: Your Winter BFF (Benefits and Recipes)

There is a biological reason your body is craving more food, especially more carbs this time of year. Once upon a time, we relied on hearty foods like plenty of fats and carbs to keep us warm and sustained through the winter when food was scarce. While we may have an unending supply of food available to us now, our bodies are still operating on this program. Which brings me to today’s focus: starchy vegetables.

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Nutrition, RecipesSerena Gee
Boosting Energy Levels Naturally as Days Shorten

The dark days really seem to creep up on us.. Especially as we hit daylight savings time. Suddenly you might find yourself driving to work in the dark, and driving home in the dark, wondering if you can even remember what the sun felt like on your face. It’s no secret that shorter days are linked with seasonal depression, lower energy, and that sluggish winter feeling we all seem to get. While a bit of seasonal slowing down is definitely part of our natural rhythms, for many of us, we don’t have the luxury of slowing down, or we want to be able to do so without feeling so BLAH.

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Seasonal WellnessSerena Gee