12 Things You Can Do for Your Mental Well-Being During Social Distancing


There is no other way to slice it: these are challenging times for us all. Whether or not you are worried about catching COVID-19, worried about spreading it, or worried about the effects it may have on our medical, economic, or social systems it’s important to remember that we are in this together. 

Though you may be physically okay, many of us are struggling with our emotional and mental wellbeing in an unprecedented global climate. 

Social distancing is one of the most powerful things you can be doing right now, even if you spend the whole time watching Netflix, so remember: you are doing this world a great service.

What you can do for your Personal, Emotional, and Mental Health Right Now

1. Take Your Vitamins- If you stocked up on mainly shelf-stable food items at the store, you may be missing some vitamins you’d usually be getting from fresh foods. A good multivitamin is a good addition to keep you feeling at your best right now. 

2. Lay in the Sun- A little Vitamin D can go a long way. The sun has been radiant these last few days in Victoria, and if you have the opportunity to find a spot to flake out in it, the effects are powerful on our sense of wellness. 

3. Go into Nature- Getting out in nature - “forest bathing”, or even viewing images of nature reduces anger, fear, and stress and uplift your mood. Research has found that even having a plant in the room can reduce stress and anxiety.


4. Get your Boogie On - Dancing has been shown to reduce cortisol levels (your stress hormone) and increase endorphins. Many artists are live-streaming their concerts online, which is a fun way to stay connected as well as get your groove on. Plus, there’s no one to judge you for dancing in your undies (except maybe your family).

5. Clean Your Space- It’s a great time to tackle some Spring Cleaning, and especially important as you’re spending an increased amount of time in your space. Clean out dust and the old unused stuff and make your space a source of peace. You’d be surprised how much your environment affects your mood. 

6. Reach out to Friends and Family- Just because we have to be physically isolated, doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected. We are fortunate to live in a time where there are so many options for connecting virtually. Have virtual dinner parties, or watch a movie with friends via video chat. The possibilities are endless and we could come out of this feeling more connected than ever. 

7. Reach out to Online Counselors and Professionals - If you are struggling, you don’t need to do it alone. There are many online counseling services you can use without risking exposure. It’s also worth reaching out to any of your favorite practitioners and seeing if there are any services they can provide you with digitally. 

8. Take an Online Fitness Class- Many Fitness studios are moving their classes online right now, and this is a great way to stay active and continue to support your community. 

9. Meditate- Meditation is so powerful in easing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety that some clinicians are starting to try it as a course of treatment before recommending any medications. Meditating actually changes the brain and the way the body responds to stress. Start with as little as 5 minutes per day and try to meditate first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day. There are even apps now that will teach you how to meditate

10. Get Clarity- If you are not able to work right now, it is a fantastic opportunity to have the space to get clear on your priorities and goals. Daydream, write out action plans and hold space for whether you’re on the right path or if you’re being called in another direction. 

11. Hold Space for Your Emotions - it’s okay to not be okay right now. You don’t need to use this time productively, you can just allow yourself to feel and process the weight of everything that is happening right now. 

12. Rest- Many of us are so busy and wound so tight, this is a fantastic opportunity to slow down and take a deep breath, collectively. Sleep in, move slow, forget the schedule, and just use this as a much-needed recharge. 

However you spend your social distancing time, just know that we will be okay. We are in this together, and there are many gifts that are coming from this time of struggle. The biggest one is our unity. 

Take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones, take care of strangers. 

Thank you for staying home.