Travel Health Tips: Staying Healthy on the Go

I recently returned from a trip to Portugal, and the travel bug is real. 

Given that I’m a quarter Portuguese it was amazing to experience my heritage and enjoy the food, culture and history.  There is so much beauty and diversity in Portugal!   

Sometimes I forget how necessary it is to take time away to explore and live authentically and to reinject life with purpose… I LOVE my job and so sometimes I forget I need time away to create balance and restore my passion.   

And I’ll be honest, this trip really reinforced how much I love to travel!  That being said, it can be hard to stay committed to healthy habits while jetsetting or road tripping. 

With the busy travel season of summer upon us, I would love to share some of my favorite ways to enjoy travel while staying healthy.

1. Embrace the Local Lifestyle

Many tourist traps are also filled with a lot of junk food, or highly novel items that don’t really offer a lot nutritionally to the body. While those things can be a fun treat… I’ve found it’s best to live like a local when visiting somewhere new! There are so many amazing and exotic flavors to be explored, and many traditional cuisines use whole foods which are packed with nutritional value.  Look for smaller authentic restaurants and bakeries that use real ingredients. My favorite from Portugal was the pastel de nata– an egg custard tart that is worth the 14 hour flight in and of itself. 

2. Explore on Foot

There’s no better way to immerse yourself in a culture than to walk around and see what you find. With the quality of maps available at your fingertips with a smartphone, you’ll never get lost, and you’ll get your steps in and work off all those egg custard tarts! 

3. Bring your Supplements

Make sure you’re getting good nutrient support by bringing along your supplements, especially a high quality multivitamin, and a probiotic to support good gut health on the go. A magnesium supplement is also great to help with travel stress and fuelling good sleep. 

4. Stay Hydrated

Be sure to keep drinking water while you’re traveling– especially important to avoid the dreaded vacation constipation. Look for bottled spring water, and bring some electrolyte packets along with you to help your cells receive that hydration. It’s easy to forget when you're on the go and outside of your usual routine, so set guideposts around mealtimes or alarms on your phone to remember to drink up. 

5. Beat the Stress

Ever return from a vacation feeling like you need a vacation? Build some stress busting time into your travel plans. Consider taking an extra day to adjust to time zones on either side, or planning some down time to recharge. Download your favorite meditation tracks to listen to on the flight and take advantage of some time for peace. 

6. Watch Your Alcohol and Sugar Intake

While I’m all for having a good time, it can be easy to go overboard when on holidays. Limit your alcohol and sugar intake and your body, especially your liver, will thank you! Look for other ways to have fun and enjoy your surroundings, you may be surprised by what you find and notice it’s easier to be present without these quick hits of dopamine.

7. Put the Phone Down

I know you want to take pictures for the ‘gram… but remember that you don’t need to experience the trip through the lens of your iphone. Try to limit screen time, and document key moments while allowing plenty of space to just… be.

8. Try to Stick to Your Morning and Evening Routine

It’s easy to get totally caught up in the different culture or environment, but wherever possible, and wherever nourishing, creating some consistency to lay your health foundations with your morning and evening routines can go a long way in setting you up for a healthy day and a healthy sleep. Eat your breakfast, have your evening walk. Make the adjustments fun, but keep what is tried and true to work for you!

Happy Travels!