When we are present in the moment, our nervous systems can come out of the sympathetic, fight-or-flight response and back into the parasympathetic, calm state. When we are relaxed and present, we naturally begin to make choices that better serve our health.
Read MoreSummer is a time when we can enjoy the plentiful foods that are in season, and often the best summer meals are the ones that are the most simple. Here are a few recipes to spark some inspiration next time you’re at your local farmer’s market picking up groceries for the week.
Read MoreSummer is a great opportunity to detox from coffee. Ayurvedic Medicine, the oldest medical system in the world with roots in India, suggests that summer is the time when our fire element, also known as pitta, is at its peak. Since coffee is pitta-aggravating, meaning it can push us out of balance at this time of year, it’s a natural time to wean off coffee and try a healthy substitute.
Read MoreOur skin is considered the body’s largest organ, and is one of the most important ones for the physical barrier it provides the rest of your body. As a naturopathic doctor, I believe in approaching skin health in a holistic way.
Read MoreChoosing the right sunscreen can feel overwhelming, especially with all of the different options on the market. My advice is to keep it simple, and look for a few key indicators that will help to reduce premature aging and protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays.
Read MoreUnfortunately, many insect repellents are full of harmful chemicals, solvents, fragrances and preservatives. Here are some concerning ingredients found in most insect repellents, and instructions on how to make your own.
Read MoreEating according to what’s in season allows us to have year-round variety in our diets. When we eat according to what’s grown in each season, we can prevent developing allergies (which often occur when we eat the same foods year-round), eat more nutrient-dense foods, practice environmental sustainability, and even save money.
Read MoreTestosterone is a male hormone that plays a vital role in men’s sexual and reproductive function, as well as contributes to muscle mass, hair growth, bone density, red blood cell production, and even emotional wellness. When men hit approximately 30 years old, their testosterone levels begin to naturally decrease. While this is a normal part of the aging process, men with decreased testosterone are at a higher risk for hair loss, prostate enlargement, and cancer.
Read MoreWhen we are chronically stressed, it takes a toll on our bodies and causes them to be either over-functioning or under-functioning. This often leads to illness, mood disorders, physical ailments, weight gain, and chronic inflammation.
Read MoreWhile there are a number of possible underlying factors that can cause chronic fatigue, there are several steps we can take to gain more energy and get back to feeling like ourselves again.
Read MoreIt can be difficult to get enough iron from our food, especially if we don’t make the time to meal prep or be diligent with our diet. The good news is that iron is found in many common food staples and can be easily incorporated into our favourite meals.
Read MoreWhile some people have no symptoms of iron deficiency, some common signs of low iron include extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, brittle nails, damaged hair or hair loss, and cold hands and feet. Here’s what do to about it:
Read MoreWhile there are many natural ways to balance your hormones, it’s great to start with the diet. I recommend experimenting with seed cycling: a naturopathic method of rotating different seeds at different times of your menstrual cycle.
Read MoreSince spring is a time our bodies naturally want to detoxify from the heavy winter, greens are a staple as we transition into this season.
Read MoreLessen spring allergies by incorporating natural supplements into your diet to balance and strengthen the immune system, improve your gut health, and adapt to your environment’s allergens.
Read MoreEase into the new season to allow your body to naturally detoxify and rid itself of excess weight held over the winter.
Read MoreThe ingredients in this spring smoothie help us amp up our digestion, balance pH levels, boost our metabolism (hello, summer bod!) and even cleanse our livers.
Read MoreContrary to popular belief, a cleanse goes deeper than simply losing a couple pounds or making up for bad eating habits over the winter - it affects the entire functioning of the body. Learn how you can set yourself up for success on your cleanse.
Read MoreYou’ve likely heard about the intermittent fasting craze. To help you determine if it’s right for you, I’ve listed its pros and cons.
Read MoreIn order to prevent food allergies and intolerances, there are a few simple ways you can optimize your digestive system.
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