Dr. Marita’s Guide to Coffee Alternatives

Coffee isn’t necessarily bad for your health, however, consuming too much caffeine can greatly increase a rise in blood pressure as well as induce symptoms of anxiety and issues with sleep. It is also not particularly helpful to consume in high quantities for those with stomach related issues, such as IBS, because of the way it stimulates the colon. 

As a coffee lover I won’t ask you to give it up for good, but let’s look at some of my favourite coffee alternatives that can help you cut down on your caffeine intake:

CACAO - Almost completely caffeine free, yet produces the same energy boost as coffee, with many benefits like supporting focus and a good mood! Different from the Cocoa found in the baking section, this bean has been less processed and has less side effects than coffee. This is also a great option for the chocolate lovers out there.

Benefits of Cacao: Contains Theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant which dilates blood vessels (instead of constricting them like caffeine does) to increase blood flow and give you an energy boost. Phenylethylamine, also found in cacao, is the same chemical that is released in your body when you fall in love, increasing focus, alertness and improves your mood. Cacao is also jam-packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, magnesium and iron which helps with immune function, sleep, reduce blood pressure and inflammation. This is an excellent one to incorporate if you are easing up your coffee intake and want to try a 50/50 blend before you swap out coffee entirely.

MATCHA - Matcha is a powdered tea, and an excellent replacement to coffee, as it still contains caffeine. The difference with its caffeine content is that it gets released into the bloodstream slowly, throughout a 6-8 hour period, as opposed to coffee, which is released quickly. 

Benefits of Matcha: High in antioxidants which prevent cellular damage due to free radicals. Has a calming effect due to the L-theanine which won’t leave you feeling jittery. 

DANDELION ROOT - A great coffee-appearing caffeine-free alternative. This dark brewed tea can be made into delicious frothy elixirs or enjoyed simply. Dandelion Root has many similar benefits of coffee but without the caffeine. Depending on your reasons for drinking coffee, dandelion root is a great alternative to assist with laxative effects that are similar to coffee. 

Benefits of Dandelion Root: Vitamin rich with vitamins A, B, C and D as well as Potassium and Zinc. Dandelion was traditionally used to assist with kidney health, upset stomach and skin disorders due to its natural diuretic effects. This makes it also a beneficial aid for detoxing and supporting liver function. If you are still incorporating a bit of coffee in your diet, yet want to lower your intake, Dandelion is also a great one to combine with coffee 50/50.

CHICORY ROOT - Chicory is another caffeine-free herb that is packed with micronutrients and can be used as a coffee-like substitute for your daily cup o’ Joe.

Benefits of Chicory Root: Chicory root inulin which assists with supporting your microbiome in your gut and helps to trigger bowel movements. Micronutrients found in chicory include Potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and Manganese which support bone health, immunity and metabolism. This is another great one to combine with coffee.

YERBA MATE - A South American Herbal tea with 1/3rd of the amount of caffeine quantity as coffee, yet containing relaxing compounds that negate any jittery effects. This drink is known as being ‘The Drink of the Gods’ and has been traditionally consumed for optimum health benefits. 

Benefits of Yerba Mate: A good source of antioxidants, minerals such as zinc, chromium, potassium, copper, aluminium, iron and manganese, and vitamins C, B1 and B2. This powerfully packed tea reduces oxidative stress to the heart and the liver, supports good memory, focus and attention and promotes digestion. Yerba Mate can be brewed hot or enjoyed as a refreshing iced tea beverage.

As you consider which alternative to try, know that this is just a small list of all the available options out there. These are some of my favourites that can be enjoyed hot or cold and prepared in similar ways as what’s found on the coffee shop menu. Get creative! I hope you enjoy testing them out and feel the benefits that they provide.

NutritionSerena Gee