Spring Liver Cleanse Day 3

Image: Nourishing Meals

It's already Day 3 of my Spring Liver Cleanse, which means we're almost halfway through! I'm already feeling lighter and more energetic, how about you?


Warm water with lemon water 

Quick Quinoa Breakfast Bowl  (make extra for Day 4 breakfast)

I use less honey or maple syrup or omit all together.

I also add 1 tbsp of chia, hemp and ground flax seeds for extra fibre.


Mid-Morning Snack

Organic blueberries with cashew cream



Collard Wraps with Sunflower Pate (make extra for Day 4 lunch)

I like to add black beans for extra fibre and protein.


Afternoon Snack

Sliced cucumber and celery with almond butter/hemp butter



Organic Chicken breast

Roasted root vegetables:

  • yams
  • sweet potatoes
  • beets
  • turnips
  • parsnips

Braised kale



Remember to drink enough water!

Pukka Detox tea mid-morning and mid-afternoon.



1 capsule of EstroSense twice daily (breakfast and dinner)

LG Cleanse Formula 1 capsule with breakfast, lunch and dinner (3 total daily)