Posts in Allergies
Could Homeopathy Help With Your Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies are a major source of discomfort for many people that really put a damper on the nice weather. While conventional treatments are widely available, an increasing number of people are seeking alternative remedies to address their allergies with concerns over the long term effects of over the counter antihistamines on liver health. Homeopathy, a branch of naturopathic medicine, has gained attention as a potential solution for managing seasonal allergies.

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AllergiesSerena Gee
What Food Sensitivity Testing Looks Like & How it Can Benefit You

In the last couple of decades, more and more awareness has been brought to the issue of food intolerances. With the rise of industrial pesticide use, higher stress levels, and more chemical additives in our foods. more Canadians are experiencing food intolerances than ever before. Many people are not aware that food intolerances could be a factor for them, so I wanted to put together a guide showing how food intolerances can impact us, symptoms, potential causes, as well as highlight the process of sensitivity testing within the naturopathic setting.

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Your Guide to Combating Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Nothing quite puts a bummer on Spring and Summer like seasonal allergies. Dealing with sneezing, congestion, itchiness, runny nose, and all of the joys that come along with pollen sensitivity can leave you feeling like you’re missing out on the joy and ease of the season. Thankfully, I’ve got you covered with some natural tips for preventing and minimising seasonal allergy symptoms.

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AllergiesSerena Gee