A Month’s Worth of Healthy Weeknight Dinner Ideas

I don’t know about you, but I find this time of year the most challenging in terms of what to eat. It’s not quite spring, but it’s not the dead of winter either, and I find my inspiration can go a bit flat. So it’s for the both of us really that I’ve compiled this list of a month’s worth of healthy weeknight dinner ideas to stay nourished, healthy and inspired as we transition into the warmer months.

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Nutrition, RecipesSerena Gee
How to Do a Grocery Shop like Pro

If you’ve just made a shift to eating healthier, you may find yourself getting lost, pulled off course, and pulled into bad habits when you head to the grocery store. In fact, how to do a healthy grocery shop is something that comes up with my patients quite often when they’re making a lifestyle change.

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NutritionSerena Gee
Why am I so tired all the time? 11 Possible Reasons for Fatigue

Do you feel like you wake up every morning tired, no matter how early you go to bed, and feel like you have to drag yourself through your day, again and again, relying on your morning coffee, and your afternoon coffee to make it through the day? Fatigue is a common complaint I hear amongst my patients, and there are many reasons why someone might be experiencing ongoing tiredness.

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New Year, New Definition of Health

There is a lot of consumerism in health and wellness that has lead us to believe that there is some sort of magical treatment, supplement, or lifestyle change that will ‘fix’ us and make us healthy forevermore. As we come into the new year, I wanted to start to redefine health in a way that relies less on unattainable perfectionism and encompasses more of the human experience.

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Healthy LivingSerena Gee
Candida- Signs of Overgrowth and What to Do About It

Now, I don’t want to gross you out, but your body is teeming with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites… and that’s a sign that you are alive and healthy! You may have heard mention of the microbiome, specifically, your gut flora, which is made up of billions of microscopic little helpers that basically run the show behind the scenes. However, if this gut flora becomes out of balance, and any one of these billions of microbes overgrows, it can cause many health issues. One of the most common imbalances that occur is a Candida, or yeast, overgrowth.

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Gut HealthSerena Gee
Meaningful Gift Giving for the 2020 Holidays

Christmas may look a whole lot different this year for many of us, as we may not be able to come together with many of our loved ones. I’ve been thinking of how to give gifts that hold the most amount of warmth in these challenging times. How to capture the magic and the togetherness of Christmas and put that into something that will reach across the country or even the oceans where needed.

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Serena Gee
Finding Balance Over the Holidays

Let’s face it... It can be REALLY hard to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle over the holidays. Temptation is aplenty, coziness abounds. It can be easy to get swept up with all of the festivities and suddenly realize you’re well established on the sugar rollercoaster, and it’s been weeks since you moved your body. I’ve pulled together some of my favorite tips to enjoy this season, without getting totally thrown off track.

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15 Healthy Homemade Christmas Treats

There is nothing that quite lifts my spirits like planning and making for all of the scrumptious holiday treats we’ll get to enjoy. That being said, this time of year can be an overload of decadence and can throw us way off track in our commitment to good health choices… especially when it comes to sugar! Not to worry though, you can still find a host of amazing treats to whip up this holiday season, and I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve to share with you here.

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Detox Your Grocery List

In today’s world where more pesticides and chemicals are used than ever before, it’s important to be vigilant as to what we are bringing into our bodies and the cumulative effects that may have. Because of this, I wanted to put together a guide on how to detox your grocery list, including what to buy organic, and what to steer clear of altogether.

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